History of GNJBC

In the year 1939, a small gathering of people worshipped in a small building called a "Store." This building was located on the North New York Avenue. Rev Hines was the Pastor at that time and the congregation did not have a name as of yet. The members later moved to 10th Street and Lincoln Avenue. After a while they purchased a hall at 115 West 5th Street. Under the leadership of Reverend Seymour Dixon the congregation adopted "New Jerusalem Missionary Baptist Church” as its official name.

Later the Reverend A. R. Robinson was called to pastor the church until his demise in 1953. Reverend J. Robinson was called after carrying out revival services for the church. Under his leadership several accomplishments were made namely; a baptismal pool was installed, new pews were purchased, and various other renovations were achieved. Succeeding Reverend Robinson was Reverend T. J. Davis, who led the congregation into purchasing a church parsonage at 116 East 5th Street. Following Rev. Robinson, Reverend H.D. Mitchell was called to pastor the flock. Under his leadership the parsonage was paid off and the land that was being bought for the church was paid off, and the land where present Sanctuary sits was purchased.

In 1970, Reverend Louis Rentz was called as Pastor of the church. Under his administration there were numerous accomplishments made, to name a few there was a new church building constructed in 1972 at 1125 North New York Avenue and a new \church parsonage was constructed in 1982, at 1525 Wright Drive. Many other ministry functions were established under the leadership of Reverend Rentz.

On September 20, 1988, under the leadership of the Holy Spirit, Chairman of Deacons James Pittman and the Church Family extended the call to the Reverend J. L. Downing, to serve as Pastor. With the endowment of the Spirit Rev Downing has led the Church to new Spiritual heights. Under his administration there have been numerous accomplishment; in 1989 the existing Church mortgage of approximately $30,000.00 was paid off and the church mortgage was burned, we purchased a new church van, and remodeled sanctuary. In 1991, a loan was secured in the amount of $120,000.00, to construct a much needed church annex, with church offices and educational wing with classrooms, dining room and a commercial kitchen with all of the necessary appliances. Our goal was to rally and pay this off in five years. November 6, 1995 mission accomplished, the loan was paid in Full! God blessed our five year plan and we burned the mortgage a second time under the leadership of Dr. J. L. Downing, teamwork and follow ship of this great church.

Much has also been done in a Spiritual perspective under this administration. Under Reverend J.L. Downing, the spirit of worship has been revived, and many new ministries were added to the church; New Jerusalem Human Services, New Kingdom Kids Summer Kamp; New Kingdom Kids Kare Center; We Care Food Pantry; Nurses Guild; Willing Workers; Shepherds Care Ministry; New Convert Orientation; Prison Out Reach; Radio Ministry; Children’s Church; Women’s Ministry ; Men’s ministry; Music Ensemble and much more to meet the needs of this culture to which God has called us to serve.


What we Believe and Teach


The Trinity

We Believe... In the triune God: There is one God, eternally existent in three persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost. Jesus Christ is the true God and true man. The Holy Spirit is a Divine Person.

(John 1:1; John 5:6-8; John 15:16: John 16:28)


The Scripture

All scripture is given by inspiration from God. The Bible is the inspired and only infallible and authoritative written word of God.

(2 Timothy 3:16; 1 Thessalonians 2:13)



Even in our sin, God Loved us and sent Jesus to die for us. If we confess

Christ openly and believe that Christ died for our sins and was raised

from the dead, we will be saved. All have sinned and come short of the glory

of God and are in need of Salvation. Salvation has been provided through

Jesus Christ for all men.

(Romans 5:12; Romans 10:9-10

Woman praying in the church

The Believer

It is the will of God every believer be filled with the Holy Spirit.

Healing is provided in the redemptive work of Christ and is available for all

Believers. The Church consist of all those who have received Jesus Christ as

their personal Savior. There shall be a bodily resurrection of the just and the unjust in the  personal, visible, imminent return of Jesus Christ.


Water Baptism

Baptism by submersion and observance of the Lord's Supper.


The Tithe, Offering, and Sacrificial Giving

The Tithe is Holy and belongs to God.

Jesus came not to change the law but to fulfil. The more we give the more we shall receive.

(Malachi 3:8-11)


Church Purpose

Greater New Jerusalem Church has been ordained by God to help people facilitate change in their lives through the word of God; To Advance the Kingdom Of God by Reaching, Teaching , and Leading lost souls to an acceptance of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, Nurturing them to Maturity and Equipping them to be Ambassadors for Christ. We are " A Ministry Building People of Purpose, Power and Praise through Excellence".

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